Sunday, December 4, 2016

On US election results between Nov 9th and 13th

On US election results.

on Nov 09th, 2016

GOP Trumps House i/n Senate. A new world begins. Sad day for women who didn't support Hillary. Now be ready to get....(chose your own term).
Opening sentence of acceptance speech shows gratitude (he says sincerely) to Hillary who fought a tough campaign and has done a good work as Secretary.
Good beginning. Let's hope he is not what we have known him as through media campaigns.

What a graceful concession speech by Hillary. Grace was also reflected in the acceptance speech of Trump.
These two were at each other's nerve (some using all kind of language till yesterday). Can't believe it is " forgotten" now for taking the country forward.
That's the sign of richness of a civilised society.
May God bless US of A.

on Nov 10th, 2016

Yes, Hillary may not be the President of the USA but she is the most popular Presidential candidate in the country. It is unfortunate that despite this she lost because of the complicated voting structure


Nov 13th, 2016

There is a new word added in political dictionary of US of A - NEPOTISM.
Sons, daughter, son-in-law are appointed to the committee to select next government


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