Sunday, December 4, 2016

I wrote this on my FB page on Nov 24th.

I have been watching the opinions and counter opinions on demonetisation. Supporters of the government's decision have been so vocal in criticising the opposition of the idea that they have no time even to go through what people are saying. They also are using foul and filthy language for the former Prime Minister and many other people who command respect in their respective areas of specialisation, especially economics.
Does one keep such people in deference who don't even know what language to use for people including some women in a civilised world?
Let's listen to the well known economist who understands the subject more than any of us. Please understand that he and many other economist have never objected the idea behind demonetisation, it is only the implementation part that they are concerned about.
Those in favour also say that suffering is a " necessary" part of the process.( suffering at this scale for this long?) majority of these people posting their views on FB in favour and feel that suffering is "good" I wonder how many of them have talked to people who are suffering and who have no or little money to even run their day to day chores. Have they ever talked to your maids, cook, Watchman, rikshawwala, driver, painter, Carpenter, Kabadi, dhabawala, Dhobi, tailor or mochi since the morning of Nov 9th? I have, and unequivocally each one of them said s/he is suffering from the process.. They don't even care if the coffers of government are full or empty they are first concerned about their meals for the day. Every citizen is not a freedom fighter, they never were even when the country was struggling with British ouster. So many of them were Raj supporters and sycophants and still they are equal citizens today.. Some having more privileges than many who fought and suffered.
Can and should you ignore all such people who form the majority of our country? Shouldn't you show concern, compassion for them? Shouldn't they be kept in mind first before taking/ making such decisions.
Do you think those who decided the roll out of the current demonetization and their supports have better understanding of economics than the experts and practicing people be them in politics or academia.
For God's sake be respectfu and listen to experts even if they have contradictory views before you maintain your own views, for reasons best known to you.

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