Sunday, December 4, 2016

I wrote this on Nov 20th, 2016

Last night around 11pm while watching news I was reminded of the Delhi marathon run this morning organised by Airtel which is an International event. It suddenly struck me " why not" was too late to plan anything so I just set alarm for 5.30am and that was all.
I was quite sure 10km won't be a big deal although I hadn't run beyond 5 kms since Asiad '82, that was some 34 years back. Have even been irregular in my daily 3km morning walk since past couple of months, but that was no deterrent.
The beginning was not too great I took a flat fall near starting point since the road was half built and the other half was over 3" down, since it was dark I could not notice. Quick recovery and no damage. I decided not to rush to make things worst later after the fun is over so my pattern was 2km run,1 km walk and repeat with 1 km extra walk. Though fun t I would finish in an hour and a half that qualifies one for the " marathon run". But a five min drink break and a couple of stoppages for giving directions to passing drivers combined with an extra km of walk took me 16 mins beyond the target... It was fun running/walking with some aim for the finish. Since my point to take a u-turn was 6 kms instead of 5 kms I had no option but to walk another 2 kms to home. Tired, yes below the knee but not in spirit that says " yeh dil mange more".

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