Thursday, December 22, 2016


इन्तजा़र है उस ठिठूरन वाली ठंड का
इन्तजा़र है फूलों के प्रफुल्लित होने का
इन्तजार है उन बचपन की यादों का
उन उच्छृंखलताओं को फिर से जीने का
इन्तजार है
इन्तजार है उस उन्मुक्त जीवन का
इन्तजार है उन भूली बिसरी यादों का
जो छितर तितर बितर गयी हैं
इन्तजार है उस अमन चमन का
जो खुशियां बिखेंर दें
इन्तजार है बिन कतार के खुशियां पाने का
इन्तजार है उस जिन्दगी का जहां
हर चेहरे पर मुस्कान हो
बस इन्तजार है।

प्रदीप/ दिसम्बर २३, २०१६

Sunday, December 4, 2016

On US election results between Nov 9th and 13th

On US election results.

on Nov 09th, 2016

GOP Trumps House i/n Senate. A new world begins. Sad day for women who didn't support Hillary. Now be ready to get....(chose your own term).
Opening sentence of acceptance speech shows gratitude (he says sincerely) to Hillary who fought a tough campaign and has done a good work as Secretary.
Good beginning. Let's hope he is not what we have known him as through media campaigns.

What a graceful concession speech by Hillary. Grace was also reflected in the acceptance speech of Trump.
These two were at each other's nerve (some using all kind of language till yesterday). Can't believe it is " forgotten" now for taking the country forward.
That's the sign of richness of a civilised society.
May God bless US of A.

on Nov 10th, 2016

Yes, Hillary may not be the President of the USA but she is the most popular Presidential candidate in the country. It is unfortunate that despite this she lost because of the complicated voting structure


Nov 13th, 2016

There is a new word added in political dictionary of US of A - NEPOTISM.
Sons, daughter, son-in-law are appointed to the committee to select next government

Poem on Nov 20th on demonetisation:

क्या आतंक सिर्फ सीमा पार से आता है?
यदा कदा मैं अपने आप से
अपने साये से आतन्कित हो उठता हूं
अपनी सन्जोई हुई यादों को
खोने का एहसास
वर्षों से सहेज कर रखा
अपना सब कुछ
मिट जाने का एहसास
उन यादों को खोकर
कतारों में खडे होकर
अपना सब कुछ वापस
पा लेने का एहसास
क्या आतंकवाद नहीं है?
प्रदीप/ नवम्बर २०, २०१६
On demonetisation:

Nov 8th, 2016

PM is live with this news. Get rid of your 500 and 1000 rupees denomination currency notes asap, last date Dec 30th. Uncertain how will we transact in cash..Although I rarely use cash.
I just withdrew Rs 10000 half an hour back
This is a great move to curb black money and to stop fake currency coming from across the border. Biggest positive move after GST bill. Congratulations Modiji.. Chha Gaye

Nov 13th, 2016

Today's experience - it was business as usual at two eateries I visited. At both places "old" notes got accepted without any fuss. Two other general shops were willing to accept if we bought anything.
Wondering what their plans are🤔
(in last five days I could dispose off big notes worth 7000 towards expenses, some of which I otherwise would have paid through plastics).

Nov 14th, 2016

So who else is leaving his family to become Buddha?

Nov 15th, 2016

My initial reaction as a layman was appreciating this move on so called " demonetisation". But listening to experts I am becoming more and more " suspicious" of the results.
Another expert simply can't brush them aside.
Nov 18th, 2016

अराजकता is the word.

Pratap Bhanu Mehta is an academic, a political scientist, who was a Professor at universities like JNU, NYU, Harvard amongst others and is now a researcher and a President at Centre for Policy Research. Here is his take on the subject that has engrossed/consumed the country at every level since last 10 days.
Rise above the politics and listen to his expert opinion. He says in the article:
"Investigative energies are best concentrated elsewhere. But in any case, you get more than a sense that this whole chain of events will now be a pretext to bring back a Seventies-style domination of punitive tax imagination on citizens. As always, it is not directed at specific big targets, but indiscriminately in a perverse equality: The Jan Dhan account holder and Vijay Mallya on the same plane."


What Bill Gates said on demonetisation
as quote in HT
“I don’t know enough,” says Gates on the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes..
"I arrived in India and saw long queues at ATMs at the airport. I was told, that’s demonetisation! That’s all I know,” says the 61-year-old technocrat and philanthropist who co-chairs the Bill and Melinda with his wife Melinda.
And What "the Hindu" said
A day after he described Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s November 8 decision to withdraw 500 and 1,000 rupee notes from circulation as a “bold move”, billionaire businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates said on Thursday he had “no opinion” on the issue.
He is however upbeat about " digitisation" a subject he has expertise.
Lets be clear demonetisation is not digitisation.

on Nov 22nd

rivileges that the majority of the country at these tough times even elites of the society don't get - managed to deposit all the cash that the family was hoarding Rs 7500 to my account and withdrew the allowable allowance Rs 24000 all in less than an hour. Thanks to the care that banks like HSBC provides to its customers and thanks also to "my relationship manager" for topping it up with a cup of coffee and some investment advice.
Wow! I don't remember withdrawing so much money from my account..but hold on, I am not hoarding..this will get distributed to four others who refrained or were afraid to stand in the day long queues.
But the bigger question still remains, are the daily wagers managing their meals for the day?


Nov 23rd

लो कर लो बात। जाली नोटों का धन्धा शुरु हो गया। In addition to this report a young man in Virar, near Mumbai, was also caught using a photocopied note of Rs 2000. There was another incidence of a photocopied Rs 2000 note given to a vegetable vendor in Chikmangaluru, Karnataka a couple of days back.
How do you plan to tackle this in the country full of smart but crooks? There are many gullible, illiterate people who will fall prey to them.
A terrorist killed yesterday also was found to be in possession of Rs 2000 notes, not fake though.
So where are we moving with the agenda?
On Nov 24th

I have been watching the opinions and counter opinions on demonetisation. Supporters of the government's decision have been so vocal in criticising the opposition of the idea that they have no time even to go through what people are saying. They also are using foul and filthy language for the former Prime Minister and many other people who command respect in their respective areas of specialisation, especially economics.
Does one keep such people in deference who don't even know what language to use for people including some women in a civilised world?
Let's listen to the well known economist who understands the subject more than any of us. Please understand that he and many other economist have never objected the idea behind demonetisation, it is only the implementation part that they are concerned about.
Those in favour also say that suffering is a " necessary" part of the process.( suffering at this scale for this long?) majority of these people posting their views on FB in favour and feel that suffering is "good" I wonder how many of them have talked to people who are suffering and who have no or little money to even run their day to day chores. Have they ever talked to your maids, cook, Watchman, rikshawwala, driver, painter, Carpenter, Kabadi, dhabawala, Dhobi, tailor or mochi since the morning of Nov 9th? I have, and unequivocally each one of them said s/he is suffering from the process.. They don't even care if the coffers of government are full or empty they are first concerned about their meals for the day. Every citizen is not a freedom fighter, they never were even when the country was struggling with British ouster. So many of them were Raj supporters and sycophants and still they are equal citizens today.. Some having more privileges than many who fought and suffered.
Can and should you ignore all such people who form the majority of our country? Shouldn't you show concern, compassion for them? Shouldn't they be kept in mind first before taking/ making such decisions.
Do you think those who decided the roll out of the current demonetisation and their supports have better understanding of economics than the experts and practising people be them in politics or academia.
For God's sake be respectful and listen to experts even if they have contradictory views before you maintain your own views, for reasons best known to you.


on Nov 26th

And you thought Muhammad Bin Tughlaq ruled India only once?


A word of caution. Think and gloss over carefully before reacting. Harish Khare is first a seasoned journalist and then an ex-media advisor.
He says in the referred article " The very arbitrariness and the resulting chaos are being sought to be palmed off as “worth the pain” because prime minister Modi “means well”."
Why charity does not begin at home first? Simple answer is as long as you could create a bhakt samaj and hypnotised them to think you are the most honest on the earth, what is the need to...
इस हमाम में....

Nov 30th
Ain't Mastercard, Visa and e-wallets biggest beneficiaries of the move besides ofcourse all other financial institutions mostly the banks?

In a debate on NDTV going on as I write Nalin Kohli says 70 years of Congress rule is responsible for unpreparedness.
It's a grave insult to our Army that has protected the country and won three wars over the time. If there is a failure now it is due to lack of understanding of preparedness and lack of leadership at all levels. How long are we going to let our armed forces men die and keep blaming what happened in past. Let me also tell me Mr Kohli a) it has not been 70 years yet, b) besides Congress other parties including BJP also ruled this country for over 13 years, c) spend time analysing the lacunae in the system and increase preparedness rather that praising and taking credit over and over the great surgical strike that had no effect on the enemy.
The big question now is - are we safe in the country? Can we do something to STOP the next attack? Nagarota is the third large scale operation that has shamed us after Pathankot and Uri since January 2016, less than a year.
Dec 01st

Pankaj Mishra is a literary person of repute and has no known political inclinations. Let's listen to what he says about the current chaotic situation that the country is facing. In his article he says:
"Soon after plunging India into chaos, he left for Japan, where he exhorted his countrymen to learn from the Japanese. Indians, he urged, should come together and make national interest paramount, just as the Japanese had in the aftermath of the devastating 2011 earthquake and tsunami."

This is brilliantly explained. Yes, it's your money, get it if you can.

(Banana on the dashboard video)


Madhavan is a seasoned journalist. Here in this article he is asking some basic questions on the effects of demonetisation and rolling out of cashless economy in India.
One of the questions is :
" How will intermediaries make money?
High-end merchant establishments and hotels may love credit/debit cards but milkmen and vegetable sellers don’t. They have to become electronically literate and then pay charges to accept cashless deals. But why should they? What is the incentive? The current rush to go cashless is based entirely on the cash squeeze caused by the “surgical strike” demonetisation. The current waiver of charges by mobile wallet companies is temporary. When the dust settles, every intermediary needs to make money with valid reasons. How is the government going to address the ecosystem issues?"
Let's listen to him, before you jump into the discussion on the subject.

Dec 3rd

This is indeed a great idea for the next Academy Award . Thrill, love, romance, action and much more. Likes of Steven Spielberg could punch in much more.

cations trying to find cash....they decide to get engaged only to be able to withdraw 2.5 lacs each for the wedding but finally fall in love for real ...
climax Indian wedding scene with elaborate Manish Malhotra costumes and punjabi dances to be shot on top of Qutab Minar....😆

Bank of India - 500
ICICI Bank - 300
SBBJ - 150
Central Bank -50
IDBI - 50
These are not today's sensex/ nifty quotes. This was the number of people in the queue at the doors of these banks waiting to get into the bank ( of course banks are not serving lunch there).These banks came on my way when I went for mundane work in the local market within 1.5 km of my house. There are about 15 other banks in the vicinity and traffic was standstill due to the queues there that I didn't venture to see. Some of those are HDFC bank, YES bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Axis Bank, Indian Bank, SBI, Bank of Baroda, PNB, Indian Bank, Andhra Bank and others within a striking distance besides twice as many ATMs. People were a good mix of lower class and middle to upper middle class types by their looks.(apologies to them for judging their status)
Lucky are my friends in Bangalore, Mysore and Chinnai ( and elsewhere in the country) who and many others who are privileged to find no queues and finished their work in less than 10 minutes.
I am no exception to the privileged class having been banking with HSBC since past 21 years.
Those who wish to verify lengths of these queue are most welcome to visit the locality as these queues are unlikely to vanish in the near future, at least Saturdays would be as crowded.
Jai ho!

My day started talking to people as early as 8.30am when the car cleaner/washer came to collect keys. Since today is the 3rd day of the month I asked him how should I pay his monthly wages since I have no cash ( all I am left with is one LARGE Rs 2000 note and his payment is just a fraction of that)? The response was " give me next month sar". I asked him if he has a smart phone and has heard of paytm. He showed me his phone for me to check if it was " smart". Well, it was a blackberry curve, indeed the smartest phone five years back but unfortunately blackberry had/has no app for e-wallets. Nevertheless I explained him how convenient it would be for him to go cashless with an android phone even in the range of Rs 3000-4000.
The same story got repeated with the bag repairer and the barber. Who all looked convinced with the advantages of e-wallets and promised that next time I visit them they will have the smart phone.
I was happy to find my small electronics repair shop, vegetable vendor and milk booth were accepting paytm e-wallet.
So much for the mega city people who have different degrees of literacy and some cash in pockets to somehow afford a smart phone ( for some it may be two weeks wages). The question is what will happen to the illiterate lot in the far flung areas who neither have money for a smart phone or a feature phone, knowledge of language nor any connectivity. Over half the population in the country falls in that category.
May God help them.
Dec 4th

यथा राजा तथा प्रजा.. But hold on..thanks for bringing everyone to begging and appreciating the use of technology.
Our Prime Minister was heard saying and people burst into laughing..
भाईयों और बहनों.....तालियां.
“I don’t know how far it is true but there is a video going viral on Whatsapp of a beggar being told by a man that though he wanted to help, he does not have change,” Modi told at BJP’s Parivartan Rally in Moradabad. “The beggar asks him not to worry and takes out a swipe machine and asks for his debit card,” the Prime Minister said as the crowd burst into peals of laughter.
In the man-made chaos that is leading to the end of "kalyug" there is still some happiness left for which you don't need cash "immediately". (The maali has graciously extended credit to us.)
According to the mythological theory of Dashavatar the tenth incarnation of the Lord Vishnu is Kalki - destroyer of filth.
Quoting Wikipedia
Kalki ("Eternity", or "White Horse", or "Destroyer of Filth"), will be the final incarnation of Vishnu, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, our present epoch. He will be atop a white horse and his sword will be drawn, blazing like a comet. He is the harbinger of end time in Hindu eschatology, and will destroy all unrighteousness and evil at the end of Kali Yuga.
We have now found the Kalki who is filth destroyer and who has started his campaigns like " Swatch Bharat" and "demonetisation - for clean currency/cashless. Leading to the end of Kalyug by leading us to doom's day and transiting the world back to Satyug.
Jai Ho!
(album of terrace garden)
Fellow human beings now forgetting humanity that was taught to them over centuries for their place in the queue at ATM.
What a tragedy of life. There is so much social imbalance and disharmony in the society since November the 9th when housewives who saved some money for rainy day, hiding from their husbands, ( and every household where wives are full time home managers and had no other source of income, did that) had to have the wrath of husbands and a label of untruthful, untrustworthy.
So the chaos has been extended to majority of households in the country where the social fabric lay destroyed.
Jai ho!

(Picture of a dead man lying in front of an ATM 60kms from Kolkata. - TOI)
आपको नोट चाहिये .. ये लीजिये।
Of the Rs 14.6 Lac Crores ( approx US$ 200 billion) in circulation for which RBI had given promise ( as promissory note) Rs 9.9 Lac has come back as deposits and there are 27 days left when more could be deposited in the banks and then there are another 90 days left to ( make a story and justify) deposit in RBI.
So if everything comes back to RBI where is the black money? Whether the so called black money hoarders or the commoners, everyone finding a way to get rid of their money back to the coffers of RBI.
The billionaires lost nothing and learnt new ways and techniques to launder and poor common man who constitute 70% of the population have lost the peace, wages and some of them even their lives. The growth engine of the country, in the meanwhile, has come to a halt apparently dipping GDP by 2% or more, as some economists have predicted.
Any remorse?

(Pic of a news item showing Rs 9.9L Crores  - TOI)
Of course there are no queues in the heaven if you make it there
(Pic of a news item "I have started a queue to end all queues - PM )

I wrote this on Nov 19th, 2016

Today is the 100th birthday (99 years) of the powerful global leader, a woman of steel, who is looked down upon today by a certain section of people. The initiatives that she took during her term as Prime Minister of the country between 1966 and 1975 ( before the proclamation of Emergency) had put her and the country under the front row in the assembly of global leaders/countries.
Abolition of Privy Purses and nationalisation of the banks during that time may have raised the government coffers much more ( in percentages of then prevailing economy) than what is being discussed today. The inconvenience caused to common people through such actions was NIL. Only a handful of kings, billionaires and their families may have been uneasy but it really didn't matter for running of day to day affairs of the country.
No one will forget the brilliant planning and execution of separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan assisted majorly by none other than our great Bahadur whom the country loves - The one and only Field Marshal SHFJ (Sam) Manekshaw.
Happy birthday to you Indira Ji. This nation pays her homage to you.
19.November.1917 - 31.October.1984.
I wrote this on Nov 20th, 2016

Last night around 11pm while watching news I was reminded of the Delhi marathon run this morning organised by Airtel which is an International event. It suddenly struck me " why not" was too late to plan anything so I just set alarm for 5.30am and that was all.
I was quite sure 10km won't be a big deal although I hadn't run beyond 5 kms since Asiad '82, that was some 34 years back. Have even been irregular in my daily 3km morning walk since past couple of months, but that was no deterrent.
The beginning was not too great I took a flat fall near starting point since the road was half built and the other half was over 3" down, since it was dark I could not notice. Quick recovery and no damage. I decided not to rush to make things worst later after the fun is over so my pattern was 2km run,1 km walk and repeat with 1 km extra walk. Though fun t I would finish in an hour and a half that qualifies one for the " marathon run". But a five min drink break and a couple of stoppages for giving directions to passing drivers combined with an extra km of walk took me 16 mins beyond the target... It was fun running/walking with some aim for the finish. Since my point to take a u-turn was 6 kms instead of 5 kms I had no option but to walk another 2 kms to home. Tired, yes below the knee but not in spirit that says " yeh dil mange more".
I wrote this on Nov 22nd , 2016

Privileges that the majority of the country at these tough times even elites of the society don't get - managed to deposit all the cash that the family was hoarding Rs 7500 to my account and withdrew the allowable allowance Rs 24000 all in less than an hour. Thanks to the care that banks like HSBC provides to its customers and thanks also to "my relationship manager" for topping it up with a cup of coffee and some investment advice.
Wow! I don't remember withdrawing so much money from my account..but hold on, I am not hoarding..this will get distributed to four others who refrained or were afraid to stand in the day long queues.
But the bigger question still remains, are the daily wagers managing their meals for the day?
I wrote this on Nov 24th, 2016

Shivcharan and Sushila, a shy couple came to Delhi in 1990 or so from a small village in purvanchal ( eastern UP is yet to be named so). Belonging to a poor SC family they had a small house left by his father which went into dispute between him and his Chacha's family. The migration was for the similar reasons for which I migrated back in late seventies to the dream city called Bombay... A better life.
Not sure if they had skills of a Dhobi back home or not but after coming to Delhi they decided to work as " ironwallas ".. Ironing clothes for neighbourhood people. Around the time when we shifted to our home in Mayur Vihar back in early nineties lots of apartments were being built in this part of the city and middle class people who could not afford a place in the elite south Delhi were shifting here among them lots of professionals such as journalists, lawyers, teachers, retired bureaucrats et al .
With a foresight for making a living in the city Shivcharan and Sushila decided to set up their shop in the apartment block we live when there were just a couple of dozen families lived. Since this is an essential service for residents they were interviewed and allowed to work from an area near porch in one of the buildings. They both must have been in later twenties or early thirties at that time, almost "newly married" with one son and a daughter both in arms.
Over the years they survived the grit of such monstrous city by their dedication for work. They earned just enough to support two square meals for the family that added two more children over the years that followed. Our apartment society was generous enough and their children integrated well with other children in the society, that was such a bright side of co- operative living. Some people at have had reservations but by and large all these children used to play together in the lawn and around the complex my children included. The social difference never came on the way for after school play.. Children being children.. They were rather encouraged to integrate whether it was cricket or football or Piththoo/ Sitolia. Their children went to government schools and knowing their levels other children as well as ours used to help them in their homework and teach them spoken English.
The only time their shop would be shut was when they used to visit their ancestral home. Else without fail all days in a week they would start work at 9.00am and finish at 9.00pm. Their children when they were old enough world also help the younger one would often come to our place in arms with his mom and be happy to be here and return with mom who would be carrying the clothes for iron and he having his favourite fruit - banana. Don't remember when the girls got married and boys went to college to study. There too, though bright and deserving the elder boy was dissuaded by a DU college not to take good course on the name " you won't be able to study that hard" and was changed to study for a common course. Any way he graduated and found work. In between before he was placed full time he would often assist Arnav Joshi with logistics for his " At Rise Productions" plays whenever they happened. Diligent and desire to learn the boy would be an asset to organisation.
The younger boy ( banana boy) had a flare for football and became a good player and after his school time would also play with some professional and got interested in studying further that would lead him to some sports management opportunities.
Sushila has been unwell since past few months and used to feel exhausted and found it difficult even to climb stairs ( we have all of 52 of them with no lift). But she would be there assisting her husband Shivcharan. Over last couple of weeks they started some treatment for her with a local doctor ( a qualified gynecologist) but it did not help. She had lot of blood loss and with low haemoglobin, low blood pressure etc.
Last evening after work she was cooking meals and fainted and was taken to the local neighborhood small hospital who on examination suggested she be taken to MAX in Patparganj.
We got a call at 11.00pm last night from her son who seemed concerned and lost with the requirements of these bog corporate hospitals and rushed there. Upon reaching we learnt that she was fighting for her life in the Emergency and all her parameters were alarming. The attending doctor spoken to also mentioned that she had had a cardiac arrest too and they are trying to revive her. In the meanwhile the billing section was insisting that she be taken to some other hospital as the estimated expenses once she is taken to ICU would be over Rs 1.25 L per day. An impossible situation even for us forget about for these people whose monthly family income is between Rs 10000 - Rs 15000. We were told to shift her immediately to some other hospital and we started making enquiries about other hospitals and found none where she could be treated with her condition without "knowing" anyone, we were also told that in her condition she can't even be moved till the ventilator is removed... Thank god for the mercy of the attending doctor.
Delhi and elsewhere in the country too, these large multi speciality corporate hospitals have signed a pledge with the government in return of a near free of cost land given to them that they will treat EWS ( economically weaker section) for free, a certain percentage of their facilities which I suppose is about 10%. That is always avoided at all costs and all kinds of tricks are played to avoid taking these people for treatment.
Upon argued by Abha ( my wife) after producing the BPL (below poverty line) Card the "social executive" ( a mandatory requirement for hospitals to keep one to assist people in distress) facilitated the process so that her treatment would be free of cost.
But early morning we got another call that they want her shifted elsewhere as she can't be kept in Emergency ( a valid point) and that they don't have a room in ICU. A certain trick.. You don't throw patient out because you don't have a room in ICU. Again after speaking the social ( and legal) people, we thought something would be done to keep hopes alive. But a whole ago got another call and her son was calling from a government hospital saying that MAX thew her out and sent to GTB hospital (a government run hospital).
Doctors over there are saying they don't have ventilator and her chances of survival are less than 10%.
In this country of 1.3 billion people life is such a struggle for everyone worst of all people who are poor and lack of knowledge.
I am praying god that Sushila survives.
I wrote this on my FB page on Nov 24th.

I have been watching the opinions and counter opinions on demonetisation. Supporters of the government's decision have been so vocal in criticising the opposition of the idea that they have no time even to go through what people are saying. They also are using foul and filthy language for the former Prime Minister and many other people who command respect in their respective areas of specialisation, especially economics.
Does one keep such people in deference who don't even know what language to use for people including some women in a civilised world?
Let's listen to the well known economist who understands the subject more than any of us. Please understand that he and many other economist have never objected the idea behind demonetisation, it is only the implementation part that they are concerned about.
Those in favour also say that suffering is a " necessary" part of the process.( suffering at this scale for this long?) majority of these people posting their views on FB in favour and feel that suffering is "good" I wonder how many of them have talked to people who are suffering and who have no or little money to even run their day to day chores. Have they ever talked to your maids, cook, Watchman, rikshawwala, driver, painter, Carpenter, Kabadi, dhabawala, Dhobi, tailor or mochi since the morning of Nov 9th? I have, and unequivocally each one of them said s/he is suffering from the process.. They don't even care if the coffers of government are full or empty they are first concerned about their meals for the day. Every citizen is not a freedom fighter, they never were even when the country was struggling with British ouster. So many of them were Raj supporters and sycophants and still they are equal citizens today.. Some having more privileges than many who fought and suffered.
Can and should you ignore all such people who form the majority of our country? Shouldn't you show concern, compassion for them? Shouldn't they be kept in mind first before taking/ making such decisions.
Do you think those who decided the roll out of the current demonetization and their supports have better understanding of economics than the experts and practicing people be them in politics or academia.
For God's sake be respectfu and listen to experts even if they have contradictory views before you maintain your own views, for reasons best known to you.
I wrote this on FB on Nov 26th, 2016

This guy has been so strong that death had kept herself away from him in despite of having declared him dead a number of times. But this time he surrenders.
Someone who dared mightiests of the world and survived, what a persona!!
Alwida Fidel Castro. Revolutionaries of the world have a lot to learn from you. Bon Voyage for your journey to heaven where you may perhaps start another round table with the elites of that world and Gods themselves.
Aug 13, 1926 - Nov 26, 2016.
I wrote this on FB on Nov 14th, 2016

Nation building is not a one day surgical strike. A person or ideology bashing could possibly be.
When an ideology is endorsed by great thinkers and leaders of the world it has to be the best possible path existing in those times.
Homage to the nation builder who was understood in his time and now gets bashing by people who have not read even a paragraph of volumes written by him.
We remember you on this day Chacha Nehru. (Nov 14, 1889 - May 27, 1964)
I wrote this on my FB page on November 18th, 2016.

Ashok Chickwala's story. Ashok is a chick maker ( chicks are curtain woven with the combination of cloth and small wood pieces or bamboo sticks used as curtains hung on outer surfaces of the house) this is a special craftsmanship but they earn very low amount their average monthly income would be less than Rs 10000 for a 14-16 hour day most of which goes in hunting for work. Ashok is a pleasant guy but can not read or write beyond the numbers he uses for taking measurement of curtains. With the technology invention his life became a bit simpler when he got his first cellphone some six years back. Now his satisfied customers don't have to wait for him to come to their door steps rather they call him on his phone. Most of his business happens through word of mouth so now almost all his business runs through this and rarely a customer walks into his pavement "thiya" where he waits for customer calls. Over the time his business expanded and now he goes to far off places like greater Noida etc because his neighbourhood customers shifted there.
Recently he also purchased a moped to use his time more efficiently. All this must have increased his monthly income now to may be Rs 15000.
Ashok has a bank account and had some savings for moving into a bigger "house" from his one room set-up. So when the money he was "hoarding" became illegal he decided to deposit the same into his bank account. He had heard about long queues so he decided to reach bank at 4.00am and after loitering for half an hour decided to return as looking at the queue he realised he won't possibly get his chance till evening. So next day he decided to reach the bank at 3.00am but then queue was even longer so returned after a while. On the third day he reached there close to midnight at 1.00am and saw some 40-50 people so decided to stand in the queue. He noticed that closer to the bank opening time 9.00am the people in front multiplied 3 to 4 times and people who were originally in the queue gave way for others ( they took some Rs 100.00 for standing in the queue for them. There were also some who were depositing for others for a small fee, of course.Then the guy who came there in the queue "inserted" three or four of his friends/family and that was the reason for the queue expansion. People behind did not resist or may be could not. Finally after stopping all his physical "needs" for over 13 hours he was lucky to find himself inside the bank at 2.00pm and was out an hour later. The bank staff was quite cooperative, he said.
Ashok was feeling so lucky with his "achievement"that he never felt the need to crib, although he lost his day's wage and the other two days just managed half day of work.
This was Ashok's" contribution" to unearth black money in the country.
PS: Ashok, besides helping us with chicks is also a friend who often comes over for a cup of tea. He has lots of interesting stories from back home a village near Agra as well as related to his work, that he shares. The demonetisation story was told this afternoon when he came for a small job.