Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Book Review - Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote.

 Truman Capote didn't appear the same in "Breakfast at the Tiffany's" as he was in "in cold blood". They both appeared different writers. One who wrote a murder investigation supported by hard core research so much so that a movie was made based on the research done for writing the book, posthumously. 

Just finished reading the novella that was like a long story of 100 pages and simultaneously also watched the movie based on this novella starring the all attractive slim beauty Audrey Hepburn, who had put the globe on fire in the sixties, oh! They don't make such women now. I didn't realise that such a short novel could be stretched into a full feature 2 hour plus movie. Not a dull moment thanks to Audrey and her equally impressive and handsome co-star George Peppard. 

It's a story a different story that has glamour, love and crazy budding movie star who has come to life from being an orphan and child bride who run away to make a glamorous world around her and ends up in a world quite different. 

Well written story that engages you in the life of such starlets of the sixties in a metro city like New York. Should be considered for a light reading. I picked it for two reasons, one after reading Capote's first novel I was curious if his writing ( that didn't keep quite to that level) and second wanted to read something light and fictional while reading a lite serious book on nationalism, patriotisms and being Indian by one of the finest orator and story teller Dr Shashi Tharoor.

Book also contains three short stories about 20 pages each and they were like a bonus given for free. Interesting, light hearted and not tragic, reminded me of short stories by Guy de Maupassant.

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