Thursday, August 17, 2023

தயிர் சாதம். Tayir sadam. Curd Rice

தயிர் சாதம். Tayir sadam. Curd Rice.

Easiest of the tasty and healthy dishes. This could be readied in 3 mins if you have cooked rice, if not another 5-6 mins. But keep aside for another 20 for best aroma.

How I made it.

Two cup cooked rice, 50 ml cold milk, 100gms curd, 1 tbsp cooking oil, 1 tsp mustard seeds, 1 green chilli, 2-3 red dried chilli, 1tbsp curry leaves, 1 tbsp coriander leaves, 1/2 tsp amchur powder, 1 tbsp finely chopped ginger, 1/2 tsp table salt, 1 tbsp urad daal, 1 tbsp pieces of walnut.

Picked up last night's cooked rice  from the refrigerator, added milk, curd, salt and mixed thoroughly and kept aside.

For tadka, put oil in a small pan and when it comes to medium heat add mustard seeds, urad daal, curry leaves, chopped green chillies, amchur powder, chopped ginger, dry full chilli, mix well and let it cook for about 1 1/2 minutes. Put the contents into the bowl of rice mixed with milk, curd and salt. Mix thoroughly and add chopped coriander leaves and small chunks of walnut. Cover and keep it for 15-20 mins for all the aroma to get soaked into rice.

You are now ready to serve. Add a bit of chilli - tomato chutney and eat the finger licking India's famous dish - curd rice... தயிர் சாதம்.. thair sadam.

Delhi/ August 17, 2023

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