Monday, November 8, 2010

Jai hO(bama).. Jai Hind.. Jai America

George W Bush does not like a shift in US foriegn policy and critises Obama "as immature". Should the world take a note of his comments? Has US progressed on "foreign affairs" during his regime? WDM, WTC, Iraq, Afgan, a growing dictatorial China (a power threat to the US), disturbed SriLanka, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Iran, Somalia and Most of Africa and South America.. losing friends in Germany, France what did HE achieve on foreign policy? Perhaps an Insecure USA and an Insecure world. Today you are not sure if you would not be put behind bars for clicking pictures of "life" of interest anywhere in the US or simply for having a muslim name, South/West Asian looks (even in India after 9/11 for that matter). Terrorism has flared across the globe and we face the brunt of it whether it is Kashmir, Delhi or Mumbai.

Pathbreakers have always been crticised. Its lot easier to go on the path given to you than to create a path, move on it and take the world with you. Obama had no option but to take the mess what he inherited on economic, defense, foriegn fronts.. clean-up the mess and create new ways of progress for America. Recognising growing economies like India is a growing complusion for America for balancing her own powerful existance and although he( Obama) is doing no favour to us with his friendly gestures, he has the guts to change the path that guides us in achieving peace and prosperity for everyone. This is also a remarkable achievement for Indian Foreign Policy and Manmohan Singh definitely deserves kudos for this.

To me, Obama appears to be honest and sincere in his approach for saving shine-losing US of America. Hope his own people understand this too.
